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When you need to deregister from unemployment benefit, there are some things you must remember to do at the job centre and at FTFa. We’ve created a guide to make it easy for you.

1. Deregister as unemployed at – via the job centre

On the first day that you no longer need unemployment benefit (because you have started work, education or training, or are in early retirement or on maternity leave), you must deregister as unemployed at Alternatively, you can call your job centre and deregister by phone. FTFa will be notified of your deregistration by

2. Less than six weeks until you start? (Job Centre)

If there are less than six weeks left before you are due to start a job or for example go on maternity leave, you can call your job centre and apply for less intensive support. This means that you can be exempted – if your job centre approves it – from job-seeking, attending meetings and activation during that period. This also applies to meetings at FTFa.

If you are part of the unemployment fund trial, you can be exempted from job-seeking, meetings and activation during this period if you are starting a full-time job of 37 working hours a week. To apply for an exemption, send a message via your Mailbox at Tast Selv with the area ‘Jobsøgning’ and the subject line ‘Øvrige’ and confirm that you are starting full-time work, and from which date.

3. Send in your unemployment benefit card (via FTFa)

If you deregister on any date other than the first day of the month, you must remember to send in your unemployment benefit card for your last month of unemployment. Remember to write your hours worked or maternity leave on your card, if you have been at work or on maternity leave during the period for which the card is valid. You can see when you need to fill in your unemployment benefit card here.

4. Your FTFa meeting will be cancelled

If you have a meeting booked at FTFa for a date after your deregistration date, or after the date of approval of less intensive action, this will automatically be cancelled.

You must deregister as unemployed at Jobnet by the day on which you are no longer entitled to unemployment benefit. If, for example, you are starting a job, you must deregister by your first day of work, and if you are starting studies, you must deregister by the start of your course. You must therefore deregister no later than the day on which your unemployment situation changes.

You can quickly and easily deregister from unemployment benefit at Jobnet or by calling your job centre. When you cancel your unemployment benefit through Jobnet or your job centre, your unemployment insurance fund will automatically be notified. So you only need to deregister for unemployment benefit in one place, and you will automatically be deregistered from unemployment benefit everywhere else.