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If you are a student, you can join FTFa already when you begin your studies. It is free and you can get counselling from FTFa’s job consultants while you study. Otherwise you have to join FTFa no later than 14 days after you have passed your last exam in order to qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.

Are you more than a year away from graduation?

If you are more than a year away from graduation and you join FTFa as a free member, you can secure your eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits from the day you have passed your last exam. You can qualify for unemployment insurance benefits at graduate rate.

If you cannot become a free member it is still a good idea to join an unemployment insurance fund, because you will be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits from the day you have passed your last exam. Otherwise you will have to wait a month before you are eligible for unemployment insurance benefits when you have passed your last exam.

Become a member

Are you less than a year away from graduation?

If you are less than a year away from graduation you must join an unemployment insurance fund no later than 14 days after you have passed your last exam in order to qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.

You can receive unemployment insurance benefits at the graduate rate after a month.

Become a member

You can become a free member of FTFa if you are under the age of 30 and a student at an education that lasts at least 18 months.

If you are above the age of 30, you must, in addition to being a member, pay to the early retirement scheme, as well as having been eligible for unemployment insurance benefits at the beginning of your studies.

Although you may not be able to become a completely free member, FTFa has chosen that you in that situation will not have to pay the certain administration fee to FTFa during that period. Therefore, you only have to pay the part of the membership fee required by law.

In both cases there is an upper limit to your income for being a free member.

  • If your studies qualify for the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) your income cannot exceed the maximal level of unemployment insurance benefits
  • If you are a paid intern you cannot work next to your internship
  • If your studies are a combination of SU and paid internship you have to contact FTFa to hear more about your options

In FTFa we bill for the membership a quarter in advance. That can mean that you will receive a bill before you have graduated.

For example, if you graduate in the middle of June, you will receive a bill in April for the last half of June where you are no longer a student and therefore cannot continue your free membership.