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There are many ways to create the next job. For most artists and creative individuals, the next job comes through networking, but you can also create the next job yourself.

Grants can create a livelihood and help ensure your financial stability. For instance, you can apply for grants to develop artistically or to carry out a specific piece of work. Grant application is by no means uncommon in the creative industries, and at FTFa we consider grants to be the hidden job market.

Some grants span a broad range and can be relevant in various industries. However, you can also find grants specifically for your industry, as grants are awarded to everyone from animators to actors and musicians.

There are many different grants and foundations. You can read about the conditions for receiving grants on the foundations' websites. We have compiled a selection of links below that can provide an overview of application opportunities. However, there are many more opportunities than those listed.

A grant can be used for immersion and can create the necessary peace of work to develop one's artistic activities or to deliver a product.

Broadly speaking, grants can come in many forms. They may be grants for artistic development, projects, travel, education, or they can be given as a talent grant.

The grant can be a one-time amount or paid out over several years. The possibilities are numerous, and for our creative groups, we consider it the "hidden" job market.

The requirements for receiving a work grant depend on the foundation you are applying to. For example, there may be a requirement that you deliver a product, that you are financially squeezed, you are innovative, or that you cater to children. There can also be a requirement for personal artistic development. You can always read more about the conditions for receiving a grant on the foundations' websites.

You would need to contact the foundation at any time if their conditions are not clearly stated.

As a member of an unemployment insurance fund, you are obligated to report on your unemployment benefit card when you receive grants, as this can affect your unemployment benefits.

It is a requirement that you contact FTFa if you receive a grant.

The main rule is that work grants should not deducted against unemployment benefits. This is because work grants are taxable income, but no labor market contribution is paid on the grant.

This means that grants generally cannot be used to meet the income requirement or give the right to calculate a new unemployment benefit rate.

However, there may be a few work grants that are subject to a labor market contribution - these grants will need to be offset using the unemployment fund's conversion rate.

If you have permission to run a business while on unemployment benefits, and the grant has to do with your business, you should not report the amount, but rather report the time you spend in the business.