Wage insurance covers you financially if you lose your job. If you meet the income requirements, you can obtain financial support alongside your unemployment benefit through wage insurance, which will top up your income so that it is almost the same as you had while working. You can have up to 90% of your wages covered, which will give you greater financial security.
You have an overview of your wage insurance on My Wage insurance. Here you can:
1. Take a look at your wage insurance
2. Make changes to your wage insurance
3. Cancel your wage insurance
Log on to My Wage Insurance
1. Financial security
The wage insurance and the unemployment benefit insurance give you more financial security if you find yourself in a situation where you lose your job. This way you have something to fall back on if you become involuntary unemployed.
2. Coverage for up to 36 months
You can be paid wage insurance for up to 36 months - with a maximum periode of unemployment for 12 months.
3. Up to DKK 40,000 more
You can receive all the way up to DKK 40,000 a month extra – on top of your unemployment benefit if you are a member of FTFa and have a right to unemployment benefit.
4. Coverage for up to 90% of your salary
With wage insurance and unemployment benefit, you can receive up to 90% of your previous salary.
5. Coverage until age 65
You can obtain wage insurance and coverage until you reach the age of 65.
To get wage insurance you must live up to certain requirements which the insurance conditions demands. With FTFa's wage insurance you get the opportunity to secure yourself financially if you lose your job.
Would you like to hear more about our wage insurance? Give us a call on 7013 1312.
You can receive FTFa Wage Insurance from DKK 79 per month, which will give you coverage of DKK 2,000. Depending on your current salary, you can take out coverage for up to DKK 40,000 a month, which costs DKK 1,578 a month.
For example, it costs DKK 395 before tax deduction to obtain coverage of DKK 10,000 per month.
You can calculate your preferred level of coverage here.
The premium for FTFa Wage Insurance is billed quarterly. Payment can only be made via Betalingsservice (the Automatic Payment Service).
The premium can be changed during the insurance period at written notice of the current month + 30 days.
In addition to the premium, you must also pay 1.1% in non-life insurance tax. Non-life insurance tax is a tax that we collect for the state.
Yes. The premium is fully tax-deductible, just like your unemployment insurance membership fee. The payments from FTFa Wage Insurance are taxable ‘A’ income – however, no labour market contribution must be paid.