Below you can read about the different contacts you will meet in connection to your unemployment.

We are your sparring partner when you apply for jobs, and we make sure that you receive your unemployment insurance benefits on time. We also participate in joint meetings at your job centre. Use us when you are looking for jobs, planning your work life or have questions about the unemployment insurance fund rules. You also apply for holiday allowance from us.

We are responsible for you when you are unemployed and well enough to look for jobs. When you are ill or on maternity/paternity leave we will share responsibility of you.

When you are unemployed you will be connected to a job centre in your municipality. All job centres use the webpage jobnet.dk. You have to register as unemployed, check your job suggestions once a week, and register as ill on that page.

The job centre is also responsible for all forms of activation such as internships, wage subsidy and language courses. It is also the job centre you need to inform when you find employment and no longer need unemployment insurance benefits.

Some members cooperate with another party in order to find employment. It is your job centre who cooperates with another party such as Ballisager or Integro. If you are connected to another party, they will take over the role of your job centre. However, you still need to register as unemployed, ill and check your job suggestions at jobnet.dk.

If you have earned holiday allowance from an employer, borger.dk, which is the webpage of the municipality, will be in charge of the payment. Your municipality will let us know when you receive your holiday allowance since you cannot collect holiday allowance and unemployment insurance benefits at the same time.

We always recommend our members to join a trade union. Your trade union can answer all of your questions regarding settlements, work terms and pay scale. The trade union will also help you if you find yourself in a conflict at work or if you face a severance agreement. We work with 54 trade unions.

When you receive unemployment insurance benefits, Skat will inform us of your tax information. We will use your tax rate and deduction card as the standard, so if you want us to use your secondary tax card you will have to let us know. Information about and changes to deductions and rates can be found at Skat.


In the table below you can find information about who can assist you with what.


Is your inquiry about:

Then contact:

Unemployment unsurance benefits  
Payments, rates and rights
Your unemployment insurance fund
Sickness benefits  
Payments Your unemployment insurance fund/The job center
Maternity benefits  
Reporting maternity benefits if not unemployed and not working Udbetaling Danmark
Reporting maternity benefits if employed Your employer
Calculation of maternity benefits Udbetaling Danmark
Reporting illness if employed
Your employer
Reporting illness if not unemployed and not working The municipality you live in
Reporting holiday as unemployed The job center
Changing reported holiday from the jobcenter as unemployed The job center
Applying for and payments of holiday unemployment insurance benefits The unemployment insurance fund
Changing reported holiday from FerieKonto as unemployed Feriekonto/borger.dk
Errors connedted to registrering as unemployed on jobnet.dk The job center
Internship abroad The job center
Job focused courses The unemployment insurance fund
Courses and education that is not a part of Job focused courses The Job center
Invitation to joint meetings The jobcenter
Agreements regarding wage susidy employment, internship and other activation options The jobcenter
Agreements regarding job rotation The jobcenter
Changes to your job plan The jobcenter
Questions regarding jobnet.dk The job center/Jobnet support - no. 0045 7015 2030
Residence and work permit  
Permanent residence and work permit (EEA citizen) The State Administration Denmark
Tax card  
Changes to your deductions on your tax card Skat
Working conditions  
Questions connected to employment and salary The trade union