You cannot receive unemployment insurance benefits from FTFa while you are on maternity/paternity leave. Instead you can receive maternity/paternity benefits from your local municipality.
It is Udbetaling Danmark who is responsible for the payment of maternity/paternity benefits, and they also decide whether you are eligible for maternity/paternity benefits.
If you have any questions regarding maternity/paternity benefits, please contact Udbetaling Danmark.
Find out more at https://lifeindenmark.borger.dk/coming-to-denmark/family-and-children or call 70 12 80 64.
Usually you can start your maternity leave four weeks before you expect to go into labour. If you are unemployed, then you will have to contact FTFa four weeks before your due date at the latest.
You also have to contact your job centre four weeks before your due date at the latest. Your job centre has to assess whether you can stop coming to meetings until your maternity leave starts.
FTFa will let Udbetaling Danmark know that you should receive maternity benefits, and then they will contact you.